Testimony : Ève-Marie Dalcourt
" This is to all those who, in any way, played a part in the great pleasure I experienced in being hired by the Nederlands Dans Theater 2, in short, to the entire staff of L’École supérieure.
It is without regret but with tremendous nostalgia, that I leave the establishment that nurtured my growth over the past five years. There have been highs (like spending every day of your life with your best friends), there have been challenges (dancing despite injuries, or not being able to dance because of them). There were successes (dancing Swan Lake on stage!), moments of self-discovery through the experimentation of other aspects of this art, choreography, event planning and show hosting, instances of bewilderment, folly, passion... One thing is certain, absolutely every new trial has made me ready and determined to undertake the wonderful adventure that lies ahead.
Thank you, Mrs. Bissonnette for placing so much importance on the development of each individual. I always felt that you were open to new ideas, opinions and initiatives. You allowed me to carve out a place for myself; you allowed me to be me.
I will deeply miss being with you, but I will be taking a small part of you wherever I go, no matter what I undertake. Thank you for believing in me! "
— Ève-Marie Dalcourt, The Hague, September 2016