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photo 1 : Éliane Jacques dans le spectacle Un finissant, un chorégraphe - © Maxime Côté | photo 2, 3 et 4 : Benjamin Poirier et Éliane Jacques dans le spectacle Corps de ballet - Hommage à Ludmilla Chiriaeff - © Sasha Onyshchenko
June 7th, 2024

Two graduates join Les Grands Ballets

Two of our students are about to join Les Grands Ballets as apprentices! Éliane Jacques, graduating in 2024, and Benjamin Poirier, just 17, will begin their professional careers this summer.

It's always a source of great pride to see our graduates make their mark with our prestigious sister company. It's also worth noting that both have had the opportunity to receive scholarships from the Fondation de l'École supérieure, generously funded by our donors.

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