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Joanna Abbatt

Joanna holds a Master's degree in Biomechanics from McGill University's Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education, as well as a BFA (Honours) in Dance from York University. She has also acquired several certifications, notably in Pilates technique, the Gyrotonic method, and masso-kinésithérapie.

Her artistic background includes a 15-year career in professional dance. She has danced for the Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault, Louise Bédard, Montanaro Danse and many other independent choreographers.

A specialist in the biomechanics of dancer movement, Joanna has worked closely with the École supérieure's teaching and health team for several years. She gives group workshops, provides individualized follow-up for students, and contributes to ongoing training for teachers.

Joanna is very active in the Montreal dance community. In addition to regularly offering specialized workshops, she maintains a private practice based on corrective movement, and oriented as much towards prevention as post-injury rehabilitation. Her practice is aimed primarily at dance and yoga professionals, but also extends to people from all walks of life.

She is currently a doctoral candidate at Concordia University, where she is focusing on training young professional dancers.

Mens sana in corpore sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body) - Roman proverb.

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